orkut themes

Friday, May 30, 2008
This is a smart move by Google, as it will enable most of their users to customize their profiles without the need to switch to Firefox (as most Orkut users are fans of internet explorer) as well as speak geek.

Previously users were able to temporarily customize their profiles for Diwali (a major holiday in India).

There is no word on when Google is going to be rolling this feature out to the rest of the community on the Official Orkut Blog, but hopefully the word is "soon." :-)

Note: For those desiring to check out these Orkut themes before they go live, you can visit Orkut Plus! for more details...

Exit Question: While these themes are beautiful, I was wondering whether or not it would be better for Orkut to allow its users to design submit some more skins for the site? (with a directory provided, similar to the recent Orkut Apps)